What Do Gi Colors Mean?  A Quick Guide for White Belts

What Do Gi Colors Mean? A Quick Guide for White Belts

The Meaning and History of Gi Colors in Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ)

Jiu-Jitsu, a martial art known for its grappling techniques and ground fighting, is deeply rooted in tradition and history. One iconic aspect of Jiu-Jitsu is the uniform worn by practitioners, known as the "gi" (sometimes spelled as "gi" or "kimono"). The gi's color, both the jacket and pants, has been a topic of curiosity for many, as some wonder if it holds any significance beyond mere aesthetics. In this blog post, we'll delve into the meaning of gi colors in Jiu-Jitsu and explore their historical roots.

Do BJJ Gi Colors Indicate Belt Rank?

The short answer is no. The color of the gi itself, be it white, blue, black, or any other shade, does not indicate the practitioner's belt rank in Jiu-Jitsu. Belt rank is solely displayed by the color of the actual belt worn over the gi. For instance, a white belt would wear a white gi, but so would a black belt or any other rank in between. In Jiu-Jitsu, the belt system signifies the practitioner's level of skill and progression through various ranks, while the gi color primarily serves as a matter of personal preference and uniformity within the academy.


The Traditional Gi Colors

Since Jiu-Jitsu's inception, the traditional gi colors have been white and blue. These colors were inherited from Judo, the parent martial art of Jiu-Jitsu, where founder Jigoro Kano introduced them to distinguish between practitioners during training and competitions. White and blue gis have a long-standing history and are deeply ingrained in the roots of both arts.

Modern Schools and Gi Color Flexibility


In modern times, the world of Jiu-Jitsu has evolved, leading to more diverse and innovative approaches to the art. As a result, some schools now exhibit greater flexibility when it comes to gi colors. While traditional schools still tend to prefer white and blue gis, many modern academies allow their practitioners to wear a broader spectrum of colors. From pink and camouflage-print gis to other solid-colored designs, practitioners can express their individuality and style through their choice of gi.

What BJJ Gi Color Should You Choose?

When selecting a gi color, it's essential to consider the guidelines set by your Jiu-Jitsu school. If you attend a traditional academy, adhering to the classic white or blue gi would be appropriate, as it upholds the longstanding traditions of the art. On the other hand, if you train at a more modern and lenient school, you may have the freedom to pick a gi that reflects your personality, without compromising the spirit of Jiu-Jitsu.

In conclusion, while the color of the gi does not convey belt rank, it does carry a rich history and symbolism within the realm of Jiu-Jitsu. Whether you opt for a traditional white or blue gi or venture into more eclectic choices, what truly matters is your dedication to the art and the principles it embodies.

Remenber it does not matter, if you are a purist or a creative. KVRA has you cover with our selection of both non traditional and IBJJF approve BJJ Gi colors. KVRA BJJ Gi collection 

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